Monday, November 10, 2014

When I went to take the garbage out this morning, I saw a skinny Golden Retriever tearing open my next-door-neighbor's garbage bag. I knew some other women had seen him Friday afternoon but weren't able to get him because he's very skittish. Apparently he's been wandering loose since then. So I came in and got some treats to try to lure him to me. He'd take them if I put them on the ground, but wouldn't walk up to me. Plan B - I cam back in and got a bowl of dog food, a leash, and more treats. When I set the bowl down and backed far away, he walked over and ate a bit. Then I sat down and held out treats and he very gradually came to me and would eat them. But every time I reached for the leash, he'd back away. Plan C - So I picked up the bowl of food and holding it down low so he could see it, walked slowly back to the house, thinking I could possibly lure him into the back yard. But noooo! Glory and Simon had to start barking as if the UPS guy was here, which sent him running, never to be seen again. I even drove around looking for him, but to no avail.

So now I've sent out an email to all the single women I know in the subdivision (because I have their email addresses), alerting them to the situation. Hopefully somebody is better at dog catching than I am. And I don't want to call the dog catcher because he's not wearing a collar and it might not end well.

I will keep you informed if the saga continues...

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