Sunday, October 18, 2015

Glory & Simon

Glory, age 7, a 45-pound shepherd mix, and Simon, age 5, a 25-pound poodle mix, are the beloved companions of Penny Wiggins who lives on Rainfield Court. Both dogs love people. On their twice-daily walks in and around Heritage Grand, they want to greet everyone they meet. Because they also like other dogs, they are exuberant in their greetings. Glory is always happy and ready to play, but Simon is much more reserved. Except for his walks, this handsome fellow prefers to lounge around the house. One of Glory’s favorite games is tug-of-war, which she plays daily with Penny. Glory also likes to play chase, but she doesn’t get to chase much because Simon wants none of it. Penny hopes that another neighborhood canine would like to be Glory’s play-date pal, as this gorgeous girl would just love to have a buddy that’s more fun than her little brother. Simon is a nerdy little guy who much prefers pulling the stuffing out of his dog toys. Penny says that Glory and Simon are the children she has never had and they make her very happy. They get her up every morning to head out for their morning adventure. Walking with 2 dogs, while challenging at times, is so much more fun than walking alone. And they walk every day, rain or shine, hot or cold, because they are Penny’s little motivators and her best buddies. Simon and Glory, adopted from a shelter, prove once again that “rescue” works two ways, that sometimes the fur-parent is rescued as much as the fur-kid.

This is the article I wrote (which was added to by the editor) for our subdivision newsletter. There were also photos, but most of you know what they look like and I couldn't manage to copy them here. They are both Heritage Grand stars now!

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