Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My house is naked!!!
Top picture was taken this morning and the bottom one this afternoon. It breaks my heart to take down a tree, but this one was so close to the house that the sidewalk has buckled because of the root system and I certainly don't want a cracked foundation. I hate how it looks now, but am looking forward to planning a new garden in that pathetically empty space.

It was all done in less than three hours with dogs barking the entire
time. The guy that did it also removed trees from four or five other houses on my block (stupid builder planting them so close to the house) and he was quite the charmer. He was a nice looking Hispanic man, probably 40-ish, and he complimented me twice on my eyes. And sadly, I will call him again for more work because he made me feel good. Stupid me.

1 comment:

  1. You do have nice eyes, si? Nothing wrong with compliments, I haven't had one since I was whistled at by a guy in San Francisco in the seventies.
