Monday, May 18, 2015

Last week I got an estimate from a painter to paint my kitchen cabinets white and also do do the laundry room, too. I put down a deposit and he told me it would be two to three weeks before they could get to it, which was fine with me. But he called this morning at 7:30 to say that all their other jobs had been postponed due to rain (apparently outside work) and they could be at my house in an hour. So I frantically started emptying all the cabinets and drawers. He brought four or five guys over and at 5:00 they were finished. Even talked me into power washing the driveway, sidewalk and patio for an extra 100 bucks. I told him I realized they just needed more work for all those guys, but what the hell.  I can't start putting anything back until Wed. morning, so it all looks pretty chaotic for now, but I'm glad it will be done before Rob, Joe, and Mary Jane come this weekend. In the meantime, my eyes are burning from the fumes, but I'll survive. And I'm happy it's done.

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