Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Remember when I said I don't like to complain? Well stop reading now if you don't care to read about other people's problems because today was a doozy. First I woke up with excruciating back pain. It's happened before many times, but usually after a few minutes of walking around, it works itself out. Today it lasted at least 15 minutes, which doesn't sound like much, except that the dogs are chomping at the bit to go out and I can barely bend over, so it took longer for me to get ready. I made an appointment with a chiropractor on Thursday, which I've never done before, but of course, I've never been this old before. When the dogs and I finally started our walk I was eaten alive by mosquitoes (and I heard on the news tonight that Houston is one of the top five cities in the country for mosquitoes).

The paint fumes burned my eyes all night and I've been hesitant to open the windows because it's hot and humid outside. I finally broke and decided I'd rather be hot than suffer anymore with burning eyes, so opened the house up and turned on all the fans. Then the girl that I tutor in Algebra came over and I failed miserably, besides it being so hot. They're doing things now that I didn't teach in Arkansas and is not in their textbook. It's only been 50 years since I studied those things, so I'm afraid I only got her more confused. I refused to accept the money because I hadn't done my job. That was the absolute worst part of the day and I will not tutor in Algebra I anymore. That was a very sad realization for me.

However, the bright spot was my time with Cali. Her school was having their book fair so she wanted to walk through it with me. She showed me several books she wanted and I told her I wanted to buy them for her as our end of the school year gift. She was mortified and kept insisting that she didn't want me to spend my money (this from a little girl whose family is on food stamps). I was firm about it and bought her the most expensive one. I offered to buy more because I explained that books are the best gift of all, but she wouldn't have it. What a little sweetie! I'll miss her this summer.

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