Wednesday, May 20, 2015

So happy that I finally made it to an exercise class for the first time in weeks (due to ankle problems and back pain). It's a low impact aerobics class and I didn't use the hand weights because of my back and it went well. Then I came home and got my kitchen put back in order. But it's weird... I had a few things that I couldn't remember where they belong and I still have a couple of open spots, but nothing to go there. Fortunately I laugh when I have these little episodes. What else can you do?

I spent my next-to-last visit with Thomas this afternoon. As much as I thought he never really needed a mentor, we still always had fun playing games and I'll definitely miss him. Fortunately his family has plenty of money (season tickets to the Texans, for one thing), so I'll just give him a goodbye card next week.

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