Saturday, July 11, 2015

As happens occasionally, I had a moment this evening when I wanted to call Mom and Dad before I realized I couldn't. It was most likely due to the fact that I dreamt about them last night... that we were in Little Rock after Mama Roebuck died and I was in charge of doing something with her house (which was actually torn down years ago).

But after thinking about calling them, I was reminded of something Rob said when I was in Memphis. He very factually stated that he doesn't need to play the lottery because he already won. Being born to Frank and Boots Wiggins was exactly like winning a lottery and I certainly can't disagree. While they might not have been perfect parents, they always did what was best for their children as far as they knew. They weren't especially demonstrative as we grew older, but I never doubted their love for us. Dad was absent most of the time because he was working hard to support us... that's what the best dads did back then. And Mom was raised by extremely reserved parents so that was all she knew, but she lived her life for her children. I'm with Rob. Absolutely no complaints because they provided everything we needed (although not always what we wanted), took us to church regularly, loved us unconditionally, and continued to support us into adulthood. Yes indeed, we definitely won the lottery. Thank you, God.

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